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How to Align With the Flow of the Universe

Feb 12, 2016

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Everything that happens within the universe, life in general, has this flow to it, a certain rhythm, this synchronicity, like a chain of events that happen that leads to the evolution of all things. If you think about it, the universe is all about balance and evolution. The energy of the universe is constantly shifting to maintain balance, and the unverse is infinite and is constantly expanding into infinity. Nature is constantly healing itself, and evolving. Our bodies are constantly healing itself, constantly working to bring us back to a state of homeostasis, back to balance. We are constantly growing, we gain wisdom from past experiences, which help us to deal with future situations. The world, civilization is constantly evolving, our intelligence, our physical abilities are constantly evolving. Life itself is evolution. So the universe is constantly shifting to maintain balance and move towards evolution. So this flow that I am referring to is basically the movement in that direction, which is the direction that the universe is moving, towards balance and evolution, moving in a positive direction basically, If you want to simplify it. So By the natural forces of the universe, by nature, we are all evolving, moving in a forward direction, at all times. That is the natural flow of life.

But to further explain this, lets look at it from a scientific perspective, to demonstrate that there is in fact a natural flow in a positive direction. Everything in the universe is made of energy. It ahs been scientifically proven that everything is energy. Our bodies, our thoughts, this world, our material possesions, the air that we breathe, everything in this universe, is energy. Just energy vibrating at different frequencies, but everything is energy. So if everything is energy then that means that everything is governed by the same laws as energy. Now let me explain what I mean. Let's look at a wire for example. A wire is just a conductive material that transports an electric charge, and a wire is made up of millions of atoms, and each atom is made up of smaller particles called protons, neutrons, and electrons. Electrons are really the only significant particles for this demonstration, so to simplify things, we'll just focus on them. If you were to take a power source, like a battery, and connected the positive terminal to one side of the wire, and connected the negative terminal to the other side, what will happen is the electrons will naturally start travelling through the wire towards the positive terminal, and conventional current, or in other words energy flow, or positive charge, flows from high to low. If you were to switch the battery terminals around. The electrons would then travel in the opposite direction but still traveling towards the positive terminal.

The whole purpose of that explaination was to show that there is in fact a natural flow in a positive direction. That's looking at it from a scientific perspective, but like I was said, everything is energy. So if everything is energy, then that means that everything is governed by the same laws as energy. Two of those laws that I just discussed are that electrons flow from negative to positive, and energy flows from high to low. Well if you take that wire explaination as an anology, and say that the electrons represent our physical bodies, and just like electrons which act as the charge carriers within the wire, our bodies are the temples for our spirits, which is our true self. We are not our bodies, we are the energy that flows through our physical being. Our bodies are just the temple, or in other words the charge carriers, like the electrons.

So our physical bodies are naturally attracted towards a postive direction. Let me give you some real life example that demonstarete this. Just think about how we have the tendency to gravitate towards people who have high energy, people that are very charismatic. These type of people are usually very happy, they are a lot of fun to be around, they're full of life, and they are overflowing with energy. These type of people have a certain Aura. They can walk into a room and all eyes will be on them because they are naturally attractive, not necessarilly physically, but energetically. We like being around them because we feel good in their presence, and the reason for this is because we feed off their energy. Like I said energy flows from high to low, or in other words, energy flows from where there is an excess to where there is lack. So as our physical self is being pulled towards them by a natural attraction, and as we move closer towards them, their energy transfers to us, and that's why we feel an increase in energy when we are in their presence, because we feed off their energy.

Now on the other hand, if we are in the presence of someone of who has low energy, we won't feel an attraction towards them. We will actually feel repelled by them. We could be in a room feeling good, and feeling happy, but when someone who in a negative state walks into the room, we instantly feel a drop in our energy levels. We feel like our energy is being sucked out of us. That's because our energy transfers to them, again because energy flows from high to low. You can definitely feel this when you are around certain people, if they are in a negative state. You feel weighed down, like they are sucking the life out of you. Now if your energy levels were very high and you were overflowing with energy yourself, you may not even feel this drop in energy, because you have more than enough energy to go around. They will still be feeding off your energy, you just won't feel it because you have more then enough.

The same thing goes for places. We naturally feel atracted towards places that have a high vibrational energy because we feed of the energy and it makes us feel good, and we feel repelled by places that have a low vibrational energy, because it brings down.

So I hope you can see now that there is a natural flow that pulls us in a positive direction in life, towards higher energy, and when you are aligned with it, you are going with the flow. There's different expressions that are used that refer to this state. Being in 'flow state', or being 'in the zone' is a big one that's used quite often. But they are all referring to the same thing. It's just being in a state where your actions move you in a direction that is in alignment with the natural flow of life.

So what does it feel like to be in 'flow state', or to be 'in the zone'. Well, most people describe it as being in a state where everything feels effortless. All you're actions, everything that you say, just feels natural. You don't have to think, it just all comes natural, like there's something bigger than you, a higher power, that's working through you. You feel completely relaxed, fully present in the moment, completely emersed in the activity, and Everything just flows. I'm sure everyone has experienced this at least once in their life, when they had a day, or maybe just a part of the day, when everything just seemed to flow perfectly, when there was this synchronicity, where Everything fell into place just right, and everything was just clicking. You were in a positive state, you weren't stressed, and everything you did was on point, everything flowed, and it was just a really good day. Some people experience it more than others. It may only last a short while, maybe a few minutes, an hour, a day, maybe longer, It depends. But that's 'going with the flow', being 'in the zone'. That's what it's like, effortless syncronicity.

But if there really is this natural flow to life where everything is supposidely moving in a positive direction, then why does it sometimes seem like life is doing the opposite. Why is there so much dysfunction in our lives. Well that's because most people don't go with the flow. Rather than allowing the universe to unfold the way it was intended, we get in the way by trying to control everything. Rather then letting go, we get attached to things.

Imagine yourself swimming downstream a river. If you would just let go and allow the current to take you, then you will naturally be taken down stream. But if you start swimming sideways, or diaganol, or upstream, then you will experience resistance, or in other words stress, because you are going against the current. You are out of alignment with the flow. Or maybe if you grab on to tree branch, and cling on to it, rather then allowing the current to take you, you will remain stagnant in that one spot.

when We experience stress and chaos in our lives, it's because we are out of alignment with the flow. When We are not moving forward, and remain stagnant in life, it's because we get attached to things and are afraid to let go. Even though there is this natural flow in a positve direction, and we all naturally feel an attraction towards that direction, we still have whats called free will, meaning that even though we feel an attarction to move in a certain direction, we still have the choice of whether we are going to follow that feeling, or if we are going to ignore it and move in a different direction.

So now that you understand what the flow is, lets talk about how to align yourself with the flow. Well the way you can tell if you are in alignment with the flow, is by how you feel. Think of a metal detactor, for example. A metal detector gives an audible or other signal when it is close to metal, and the closer it is moved towards the direction of metal, the stronger the signal gets, and the further you move it away from metal, the weaker the signal gets. So a metal detector will guide you to metal as long as you follow the signal.

Well our feelings work in a similar way. Our feelings, the sensensations in our body, are intended to give us feedback to let us know if we are on the right track or not, or to give us a sense if something is right or wrong. Like I explained, by nature, we are all naturally being pulled in a positive direction. We are all naturally attracted towards a direction where there is higher energy, and energy flows from high to low. So as we move in the direction of higher energy, we gain more energy, and the more energy we have the better we feel. We feel more alive, more vibrant, we feel lighter, happier, we feel more confident. Our feelings are giving us feedback, letting us know that we are on the right track, that we are in alignment with the flow. So we should keep moving in that direction.

Now on the other hand, if we feel bad, if we stressed, depressed, have low energy, our feelings are giving us feedback that we are on the wrong track, that We are out of alignment with the flow. If we are not moving in a positive direction where there is higher energy, then that means that we are moving away from it. So our energy levels will decrease, and we will start to feel worse and worse, just like a metal detector's signal gets weaker when it moves farther away from metal.

So our feelings are like our inner guidance that guides us through life. There's different names for it: following your heart, following your passions, a gut feeling, insights, intuition, instincts, your inner voice. These are all different terms that refer to the same thing, basically refering to your inner guidance.

Also think of a GPS system in your car. When you type in an address, it will give you directions on how to get there, and as long as you follow those directions, you will arrive at your destinantion. Well our inner guidance, is like our navigation system. When you set a goal, or set an intention, and visualize the outcome, that's like you entering the destination into your navigation system, and our inner guidance will give us directions on how to get there. These directions may come as inspired thoughts, certain feelings, an intuitive nudge, or an urge pushing to move in a certain direction. It will come in different ways for each person, but it is up to you to identify those directions, and follow them, and as long as you follow those directions you will arrive at your destination.

But you also have to be able to distinguish the difference between what your heart is telling you to do and what your ego is telling you to do, because your your heart is associated with your feelings. That's your inner guidance that I'm referring to. Your ego is associated with a false sense of self. Your heart will always guide you in the right direction, your ego will get you lost.So there may be times when you make wrong decisions, when you make the wrong moves, because maybe you decided to follow your ego rather then following your heart. You didn't pay attention to what your inner guidance was telling you to do, or not to do, so you veered of track. That's fine, we all make mistakes, but as long as you revert back to your inner guidance, it will tell how to get back on track. Just like if the GPS system in your car was telling you to take a certain turn, but you accidently missed the turn, or maybe you went left when you were suppose to go right, the GPS system, will just reroute you. It will give you new directions based on your current location.

Well your inner guidance works the same way. It will always give you directions on how to get back on track no matter what your current situation is. No matter how many mistakes you make, no matter far you veer off track. Your inner guidance will always be directing you back on track. All you have to do is listen, and follow the directions.

If you think about it. That is the greatest gift ever. All we have to do is set an intention, set a destination, and our inner guidance will tell us how to get there. We all have this gift. We are all born with it. But if we all have this nagivation system, this gift, then why do most people still have such a hard time navigating thru life. Well the main reason is because most people numb themselves to their feelings. They suppress their feelings because we've been conditioned to believe that feelings are bad. So we end up desensitizing ourselves from our feelings. We cut ourselves off from our feelings, and when we do that, it's like turning off our navigation system. So even though we all have this gift, most people don't even use it, because we've been conditioned not to.

Imagine yourself sleeping in your bedroom, and the smoke detector goes off and it wakes you up, but rather than checking to see what was setting off the alarm, you just take down the smoke detector, and remove the battery, so that it stops alarming, and then you just go right back to sleep. The purpose of a smoke detector is to alarm you when there is smoke or a fire. But if you ignore it when it is alarming then your house could burn down, with you possibly in it. But if you aknowledge the alarm and correct the problem that was causing the alarm, then you could save your home from burning down, and maybe even save your own life.

Well our feelings are like that smoke detector. The symptoms that we feel in our bodies are intented to alarm us when something is wrong. So if we are experiencing symptoms, like pain, or depression, or any discomfort in general, that is our bodies alarming us that something is wrong, and we need to fix it. So we need to stop and figure out what it is that we are doing wrong that is creating this negative feeling in our body. So our feelings, even if they are bad feelings, are a good thing because they give us feedback on whether we are on the right track or not, or if something is not right.

But most people don't see it like that. So when they experience bad feelings, rather than trying to figure out what is wrong and correcting it, they numb those feelings, with drugs, alcohol, cigarettes, coffee, junk food, whatever their addiction is that they use to numb those feelings. Even if we go to the doctor and tell the doctor about our symptoms, 9 times out of 10, they will just perscribe us a drug. It doesn't fix the problem, it just suppresses the symptoms. Well that's just like taking the battery out of the smoke detector. If you just suppress the symptoms without fixing the problem, then you will just continue going in the wrong direction. So when we choose to numb ourselves and ignore the sensations in our bodies, we shut ourselves off from our inner guidance. So as a result, we get lost, we lose our way. We experience trouble navigating through life because we have turned off our navigation system. So what ends up happening, is most people just end up following the crowd, thinking that if everyone else is doing it, then it must be the right way. This is known as herd mentality or mob mentality. When people lose their way, and they don't know what to do, they just look around at others and just do whatever they are doing.

The problem with this is that the crowd is usually going in the wrong direction, because the people who normally make up the crowd are the people who don't follow their inner guidance. They just do what others tell them they should do, and just take the conventional path. The conventional path is part of the system, a system that is designed to keep the rich rich, the people in power in power, and the poor poor. Did you know that 96% of the money earned goes to 1% of the population. So that means that only 4% of the money earned is divided amongst the remaining 99% of the population. That's how the system is designed. So the direction that the crowd is going, is usually a direction that was manipulated by the system, by the people in control, in order to keep them in line, under their control, so that they stay on that treadmill feeding the system and funneling money to the top 1%. According to surveys over 70% of people hate their jobs. That's over 70% of people who chose a path that was out of alignment with their hearts desires. Why? because they chose to ignored their inner guidance, and just did what they were told.

But like I said, it's your choice, you have the free will to decide, whether you are going to follow your inner truth, and build a life around your passions, or if going to ignore it and just fall victim to the system, being told what to do. The truth will set you free, the other way will just turn you into a slave to the system, which is just a prison of the mind. So choose your path wisely.

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